Welcome – Purbeck Broadband is the place to find information and free advice on all broadband related issues in the Isle of Purbeck and Dorset.

This website was started in an effort to publicise the ongoing problem of inconsistent and substandard broadband speed in some areas of Purbeck. Many households in Corfe Castle, Kimmeridge, Swanage and Worth Matravers are having similar problems with the quality of their broadband service.

Our aim is to draw enough attention to this issue that it will convince British Telecom (BT) to investigate the underlying cause and, if necessary, repair any faults. To do this we require your help.

If you are experiencing problems with your broadband internet connection (the main issue being inconsistent, wildly fluctuating download speed at random times of the day and night), please contact us and let us know – and please raise the issue with your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

In order to get BT to permanently repair any faults (there have been several Major Service Outages (MSOs) in and around Corfe Castle, Worth Matravers and Swanage in the past but there hasn’t been any lasting improvement in the quality of broadband service) we need to gather as much evidence as possible that would indicate a widespread problem – and we need as many residents as possible to raise the issue with their ISPs.

See the blog section for latest news and updates.

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Purbeck Broadband